Food & Beverages

We love food as much as we love amazing concerts. That's why we have teamed up with some of Sweden's best, tastiest, and greenest beverage suppliers and food trucks. Make sure that you arrive to Rosendal Garden Party hungry!

Soon we will start presenting this years food trucks. And of course, there will be options available for vegans and vegetarians!

Indulge all over the site

At Rosendal Garden Party, you can enjoy our food and beverage offerings while exploring the entire site – you don’t need to stay in a dedicated area.

It's super nice, but there are a few simple rules:

  • If you're over 18 years old, you may be asked to wear a special drink bracelet to consume alcohol in the concert area.
  • The drink bracelet can be obtained by presenting your ID when you check-in at Rosendal Garden Party or at our bars.
  • Despite having a drink bracelet, you may still need to show your ID when purchasing alcohol at the bars.
  • Naturally, it is not allowed to purchase or provide alcohol to minors.

See you soon at the beautiful Rosendal, where we'll enjoy all the wonderful food and taking a drink while watching our favourite artists!
