Sustainability - An ambitious vision

Our vision is clear - Rosendal Garden Party aims to become the most sustainable outdoor music event in the Nordics. With a high level of ambition, we want to challenge ourselves, our visitors, and everyone within the music and events industry to become more sustainable. We aim to contribute to increased knowledge and awareness about climate change and sustainability, both internally and externally to our audience, artists, sponsors, partners, and suppliers.

During Rosendal Garden Party 2022, the event's total greenhouse gas emissions were measured - both direct and indirect emissions were measured. The total emissions from Rosendal Garden Party 2022 amounted to 218 tons of CO2. To obtain a measure that is not affected by whether there are more or fewer people attending Rosendal Garden Party 2023, we have calculated our emissions in kilograms of CO2 per event visitor.

In 2022, we landed on 5.5 kg CO2 per visitor. The challenge ahead is to lower that figure.


  • Travel smart: Walk, bike or take an electric vehicle. If you're traveling further, take the train or carpool with an electric car.
  • Eat climate-smart: Vegan dishes have a significantly lower climate impact than dishes based on beef.
  • Avoid unnecessary consumption: Enjoy food and drinks, but don't buy more than what you will consume.


  • Artists: Focus on fewer, but high-quality artists and actively work to reduce the climate impact from their travel.
  • Heavy transport: Review how we build up the area and consider alternative solutions that require less heavy transport.
  • Food & drinks: Review our offerings, prioritize locally sourced and minimize the use of high-impact raw materials.
Briefly about the emissions

The emissions at Rosendal Garden Party 2022 were divided into seven categories. This is how the distribution looked like:

Energy: Energy accounts for 8% of our total emissions. This includes the generators required to supply electricity to the stage. By working with Eco Par A, we were able to minimize the fossil fuel emissions from energy supply.

Transportation of audience: The audience's travel to and from the Rosendal Garden Party accounted for 36% of our total emissions (79.6 tons of CO2e). The dominant source of emissions was air travel, even though only 1% of you flew here.

Transportation of artists: Artist travel accounted for 22% of our emissions. The dominant source of emissions from artist transportation was international air travel.

Heavy transportation: To build and execute the event, materials had to be transported to the area with heavy vehicles. These transports accounted for 12% of our emissions.

Beverages: The beverages consumed during the event accounted for 11% of our emissions. All drinks sold have similar emissions values, but beer accounted for 80% of emissions from our drinks - a reflection of what was consumed the most.

Food: 10% of our emissions came from the food served. It is noteworthy that 4,660 vegan meals were sold, resulting in 0.9 tons of CO2e, compared to 4.4 tons of CO2e from the 2,603 beef meals sold.

About the report

At the Rosendal Garden Party 2022, the event's total climate footprint was measured. This footprint has been compiled in a report by Gidås Hållbarhetsbyrå.. The report has been made in accordance with the Green House Gas Protocol and includes direct emissions, indirect emissions from energy consumption, indirect emissions in the value chain, and biogenic emissions allocated Out of Scope.

Read the full report here.

An essential puzzle piece in our sustainability work is our efforts to obtain A Greener Festival certification. To learn, implement, and share knowledge and information, we work with the reputable A Greener Festival and their sustainability certification, specifically developed for festivals and events. They will also monitor everything we do on-site and produce a report on how the event was carried out. In 2022 we were certified as Improvers.

If you want to delve even deeper into our sustainability work, you can download our Sustainability Vision (Swedish only).
